The 4th grade GBB team will have a scrimmage on 9/22 at 4:00 PM with the regular 4th, 5th, and 6th grade GBB games to follow in our gym.
over 3 years ago, Lori Fitterer
The Junior High Volleyball game in Mott scheduled for 09/21/20 at 4:00 PM has been cancelled. There will not be junior high practice tonight either.
over 3 years ago, Lori Fitterer
Today, JE Dunn will need to temporarily shut down the water/sewer to the bathrooms located in the elementary side of the building. They aren't sure how long this will take. They will also need to shut down the vo-ag sink, shop floor drain, and the drinking fountains by the restrooms by the elementary bathrooms. They will notify us when the shutdown will start.
over 3 years ago, Kelly Koppinger
If there is anyone wishing to confer with Ms. Jung (English) on Wednesday, September 16, or Wednesday, September 23, please email her at
over 3 years ago, Lori Fitterer
At 3:30 PM, the fourth grade GBB will scrimmage two quarters. The regularly scheduled games against Heart River will begin at 4 PM.
over 3 years ago, Lori Fitterer
Parents should check their emails for directions to set up appointments for PT Conferences with their children's teachers. There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, September 18. The teachers have a professional development day.
over 3 years ago, Lori Fitterer
The elementary football team will be playing here against Killdeer on Thursday, September 17, at 5:00 PM. Please note the change in time.
over 3 years ago, Lori Fitterer
Sports picture day
over 3 years ago, Lori Fitterer
Sports picture day
Just a reminder to all that Friday, September 18, is a professional development day for the teachers which means no school for the students. Fall Sports Picture Day has been tentatively set for this Thursday, September 17. This involves cross country, seven through twelve volleyball, and fourth-fifth-sixth girls basketball.
over 3 years ago, Lori Fitterer
The Junior High Volleyball game scheduled for tonight, Monday, September 14th against Hettinger/Scranton has been changed to start at 4:30 PM at New England High School.
over 3 years ago, Kelly Koppinger
There is a junior high and junior varsity football game in Hettinger Monday, September 14th starting at 4:00 PM. The bus will leave New England at 1:45 PM.
over 3 years ago, Kelly Koppinger
There will be no junior high volleyball practice on Friday, September 11, or Friday, September 18.
over 3 years ago, Lori Fitterer
Parent Teacher Conferences are an important way for teachers to learn more about their students from families, and provide feedback to families about students’ academic performance. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to conference remotely. Parent Teacher Conferences were originally scheduled for September 16th and September 23rd. We won’t be meeting face to face at the school; however, teachers will work with families to schedule conferences during a time that is mutually convenient for both to attend. These conferences can be by phone or Microsoft Teams. If you would like to utilize Microsoft Teams, we will utilize your students Teams account to meet virtually. These past months have been an unprecedented time in all of our lives. During this uncertain time, it is critical that we hear from families, caregivers, and children about how they are doing and how our supports are working for them. This is unchartered territory for everyone, and we need to work together to ensure we are creating a positive environment for our student to make academic progress. Thank you for all your support getting our students back into school!
over 3 years ago, Kelly Koppinger
Looking for a great job? New England Public School is looking for a Teacher Assistant. The school district will provide training for this position. Teacher Assistants have the benefit of a regular school schedule, allowing parents to be home with their children. Many of our Teacher Assistants started because it worked so well with their schedules while their children attend school. If you have an interest in helping out as a Teacher Assistant, have questions, up to the challenge, seeking a good wage for your time spent and work well with children, please call the District Office at 701-579-4160. Ask to speak to Kelly Koppinger, Superintendent.
over 3 years ago, Kelly Koppinger
To enter the Zoom Meeting, please go to Zoom on the Internet. You will have to download the app onto your computer or phone. Enter the Meeting ID and passcode from the previous message because the link may not work. The meeting should be open around 6:15 PM.
over 3 years ago, Lori Fitterer
There is a Zoom Meeting regarding graduation and scholarship opportunities for parents of students in grades 8-11: Time: Sep 9, 2020 06:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 630 386 9950 Passcode: 3YUiHC Please contact Kristi Madler, K-12 School Counselor, at New England Public School if you have questions.
over 3 years ago, Lori Fitterer
No school on September 18th - professional development day. For educators, the COVID-19 Pandemic has created a huge challenge for our faculty and staff, one for which there is no playbook that can guide appropriate responses. We must swiftly design responses – and with specific circumstances in mind – as the pandemic runs its course. On Friday, September 18th, our staff will be attending a professional development day to address the emerging educational needs and responses as the pandemic unfolds across the state. The goal of this professional development is to enhance of our distance learning platform. We want to be able to address the potential educational challenges distance learning may lead to, and to protect our student’s educational opportunities during and following this pandemic. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Kelly Koppinger at 701-579-4160.
over 3 years ago, Kelly Koppinger
The juniors will be taking the ASVAB on Wednesday, September 16, from 8:30 to 11:30.
over 3 years ago, Lori Fitterer
Bowman County JH Volleyball
over 3 years ago, Kelly Koppinger
Bowman JH Volleyball
Junior high girls' volleyball will be changing into their uniforms at school BEFORE the bus leaves at 2:30 tomorrow, Sept. 8. Please pack a lunch and/or money for concessions along with plenty of water because the bus WILL NOT be stopping at any gas stations or restaurants. Their first game is at 4:00 in Bowman. Good luck, girls!
over 3 years ago, Lori Fitterer