Parents, we believe parent/teacher communication is a vital component to a successful education. I hope our staff are meeting all of your needs in this regard; however, if you do feel the need for a meeting with staff or administration, please keep in mind that schools still operate as any business would, which is through scheduled appointments. While we will try our best to accommodate your immediate requests, it is disruptive to our educational environment to meet with parents on demand. Please continue to schedule appointments to minimize wait times and to avoid disruptions. Also, this is a friendly reminder that if you wish for your child to go home in a different manner than usual, you must let the teacher and office staff know in advance. If we do not hear from you, your child will be dismissed as usual. Thank you for support in both areas.
3 months ago, Sandy Ledbetter
REMINDER: If you are planning on excusing your child for the boys basketball tournament game in Bowman today, please call the school ASAP at 701-579-4160 so that we can get them on a list for Admin to verify. Thank you!
3 months ago, Rebecca Reindel
If you are planning on excusing your child for the boys basketball tournament game tomorrow, please call the school ASAP at 701-579-4160 so that we can get them on a list for Admin to verify. Thank you!
3 months ago, Rebecca Reindel
Good morning! Just a heads up, there are some issues with cell service today. If there are any changes to bus schedules, kindly reach out to the school instead of contacting the bus driver directly. We'll ensure the information gets to the drivers promptly. Have a wonderful day!
3 months ago, Rebecca Reindel
Parents & athletes there will be a track preseason parent meeting Wednesday March 6th at 6:00pm in the commons. It is highly suggested that parents and their athletes show up to alleviate misconceptions about expectations, meet scheduling, and additional information on the upcoming track season.
3 months ago, Rebecca Reindel
Missoula Childrens Theater is back!! K-6 should have received forms for tryouts in the last couple of days. Tryouts are 2/26 after school at Memorial Hall.
3 months ago, Rebecca Reindel
Today members of our FFA chapter traveled to Beulah for Ag Sales and Agronomy competitions with Bailey once again earning a first place finish in Ag Sales! If you see any of the students congratulate them on a job well done!
3 months ago, Ben Krebs
ag sales
There is no District game for the boys basketball team on Saturday, February 17.
3 months ago, Scott Jung
Hey everyone! Just a couple of quick reminders for the upcoming days: No School Friday & Monday: Remember, there's no school this Friday for PD Day or on Monday for Presidents Day! Enjoy the long 4-day weekend! 🎉 FFA Week Dress-Up: Next week is FFA Week! Don't forget to dress up from Tuesday to Friday to show your spirit and support! That's it for now. Have a great week ahead!
3 months ago, Rebecca Reindel
Correction! The game in the NEW gym
3 months ago, Rebecca Reindel
Tonight's boys basketball game so start at 4 PM in the old gym. Let's go Tigers!
3 months ago, Rebecca Reindel
The Booster Club would like to thank everyone for supporting our annual Valentine's Fundraiser. A special thank you goes out to all of the anonymous sponsors and to Linde Welding. Thank you to all that support our kids! Go Tigers!
3 months ago, Rebecca Reindel
Good morning! If you are planning on excusing your child for the game today, please call the school ASAP at 701-579-4160 so that we can get them on a list for Admin to verify. Thank you!
3 months ago, Rebecca Reindel
2024 District 5 Girl's Basketball Tournament Bracket
3 months ago, Scott Jung
District 5 GBB Tournament
The Girls Basketball Team will be having a silent pie auction at the girls basketball game tonight against South Heart. C squad begins at 4:00 with JV and Varsity to follow. Come out for parents night and support the girls basketball team on the court and with their silent pie auction.
3 months ago, Rebecca Reindel
🌹 Student Council is selling Valentine suckers for $1 during lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Deliveries on Valentine's Day! Don't forget to wear red or pink on the special day! ❤️💕
3 months ago, Rebecca Reindel
In accordance with the regulations outlined in the New England Public School Athletic Handbook, it is imperative to uphold standards of sportsmanship by refraining from heckling or shouting at officials, coaches, or players. Spectators found not adhering to these guidelines will be promptly escorted from the event. Those ejected must schedule a meeting with NEPS administration before being permitted to attend any future school-sponsored activities, whether hosted by NEPS or elsewhere, including but not limited to games, music concerts, prom, etc.
3 months ago, Scott Jung
We will only be playing 2 quarters for the C squad game tonight in Hettinger. Game time starts at 4:30 p.m. JV and Varsity to follow.
3 months ago, Rebecca Reindel
Today members of our FFA chapter traveled to DSU for Agronomy and Ag Sales competitions with Bailey earning first place in the Ag Sales event! Congratulations to all on a job well done.
4 months ago, Ben Krebs
Ag Sales
1st place Ag Sales